Bouquet roses Barcelona
  • Ramo 6 Rosas Rojas delivery in Barcelona
  • Bunch 6 Red Roses send in Barcelona
  • Bouquet 6 Red Roses delivery in Barcelona
  • Bouquet roses Barcelona

Bunch 6 Red Roses

Send this bouquet of six Red Roses cheerful, nice, cool and casual. Deliver roses in Barcelona with on-line florists.

42.00 €
*Tax included

  • Express delivery (same day or 24h)
  • Same day delivery, only orders placed before 12h (Barcelona local time)
string(1) "0"

 Bouquet of six red roses fresh, casual, ideal for young people and special moments. Sending flowers, plants and Roses a Barcelona city, Hospitalet del llobregat, Badalona, Vallvidriera, Sant cugat.


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Box of chocolates 200Gr.

Price 12.00 €

Complement your flowers and plants with chocolates! It's the best way to make a sweet gift. Delivery to Barcelona. Spain.