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Send, and delivery of bouquets of roses in Barcelona City and its metropolitan area.
Bouquet 9 Red Roses

9 Red Roses

Price 42.00 €

Beautiful bouquet of 9 red roses delivered in Barcelona. Quality roses, made in our local florist and hand-delivered by our carrier. Quality...

10 Rainbow roses

10 Rainbow roses

Price 46.00 €

Beautiful bouquet of 10 roses of every color, they say I love you. Shipping to Barcelona, multicolored roses, in a bouquet, to say, i love you...

Bouquet roses Barcelona

Bunch 6 Red Roses

Price 30.00 €

Send this bouquet of six Red Roses cheerful, nice, cool and casual. Deliver roses in Barcelona with on-line florists.

Bouquet of 12 red roses

Bouquet of 12 red roses

Price 55.00 €

This bouquet presents 12 red roses of excellent quality. Delivery in Barcelona. Our roses are of high grade, so they make this floral...

15 Yelow Roses

15 Yelow Roses

Price 66.00 €

Sending these beautiful yellow roses for delivery in Barcelona. Roses cheerful color, to reinforce the message of the text that accompanies the...

15 pink roses

15 pink roses

Price 66.00 €

In our flower shop in Barcelona, you could buy these beautiful pink roses, and we will deliver on time and in hand, to where you orders us in...

Roses to Barcelona. Barcelona Flowershop.

Bouquet roses Barcelona

Price 46.00 €

Bouquet of fragrant red roses, white and pink. Cheerful, romantic Bouquet. This colorful bouquet is the perfect gift for delivery in barcelona.

Bouquet 12 Pink Roses

Bouquet of 12 pink roses

Price 54.99 €

A bouquet made from 12 roses, of pink colour. They are long stem roses of high quality, and the composition has been thought to share emotions.

11 Red Roses

11 Red Roses

Price 50.00 €

Beautiful bouquet of eleven red roses. The rose, for its simplicity and elegance, is the flower that faithfully communicates feelings.

Yellow roses barcelona

Bouquet of 5 yellow roses

Price 28.00 €

A bouquet of 5 yellow roses, that becomes lively, fresh and informal. Surprise with flowers in Barcelona.

Basket of assorted roses in Barcelona.

Basket of assorted roses

Price 80.00 €

A beautiful center of roses bright and varied colors to celebrate valentines day who want more. 15 diferent...

15 big Red Roses

15 Red Roses "Premium"

Price 66.00 €

Send to Barcelona 15 red roses. Long Stem Roses maximum fresh. We deliver your...

Heart of Roses

Heart of Roses

Price 150.00 €

A powerful center, which clearly expresses the love you feel for her! Heart of roses, to convey the love you feel for her. We deliver to...

Bouquet 25 Roses

Bouquet 25 Roses

Price 105.00 €

Serve this spectacular bouquet is made from 25 red long stem roses, to the city of Barcelona (Spain) . Roses are always elegant and attractive,...

Jarron de rosas a Barcelona

12 roses in a vase

Price 75.00 €

Nice vase 12 red roses.
We deliver flowers, in all Barcelona and bordering towns of the metropolitan area.

Sant jordi Barcelona

35 Red Roses Long Stem

Price 148.00 €

Beautiful and elegant bouquet of 35 red roses for a special occasion. The flowers can closer two very distant points, and cause a reaction.

Барселоне 101 Roses !!

101 Roses !!

Price 450.00 €

Send 101 roses to the city of Barcelona. Pretty basket of 101 red roses, freshness guaranteed. Delivery flowers in hotels Barcelona, deliver on...

Bouquet 11 white roses

Bouquet 11 white roses

Price 50.00 €

An elegant and delicate floral work made from a 11 of white roses. This pure colour and the serenity of the flowers that form the bouquet, make...

Centro de rosas y orquideas

Armony centre

Price 85.00 €

This centre has been elaborated with a phalaenopsis plant and a floral composition. Its duality (plant and cut flower) is the main...

17 red roses to Barcelona.

21 red roses.

Price 90.00 €

Bouquet of 21 beautiful red roses. Delivery in Barcelona and its metropolitan area. Bouquet of 21 beautiful red roses. Delivery in Barcelona and...

Bouquet roses Barcelona


Price 79.00 €

Delivery to BARCELONA 18 red roses. Next day and Same day delivery.

60 Red Roses Long Stem (70cm)

60 Red Roses Long Stem.

Price 250.00 €

Delivery to Barcelona, 60 Red roses Extra (Long stem 70cm) , A spectacular bouquet of flowers, very large, that will surely make whoever...

Foam plush, with artificial red roses, 25cm.

Foam plush roses 22cm

Price 45.00 €

We deliver in Barcelona, foam plush, with artificial red roses, 22cm. A nice way to say I love you is to send this stuffed flower of red...