Bouquet of 12 pink roses
A bouquet made from 12 roses, of pink colour. They are long stem roses of high quality, and the composition has been thought to share emotions.
Delivering in Barcelona, this abundant basket of Christmas products.
The person receiving this gift, be on your Christmas table happy.
It is a basket of high quality products. A good gift for delivery in Barcelona.
In the basket Christmas, you will find, 1 Cava Brut Nature, 2 Red wine Crianza Rioja, 1 Paleta de Jamon Iberico de recebo, 1 Chorizo Iberico bellota, 1 Salchichon Iberico bellota, Sheep cheese cured, 1 Pate de foie, 1 Extra White Tuna, Peaches, 1 Asparagus Extra, 1 Turron de Alicante Extra, 1 caldo Navidad, Bombon bicolor, 1 Turron Extra de XiXona, Mazapan black label, and other typical Christmas products in Barcelona
All products are of high quality.
This product is not delivered the same day, it requires 24 hours notice.
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