Box of chocolates 200Gr.
Complement your flowers and plants with chocolates! It's the best way to make a sweet gift. Delivery to Barcelona. Spain.
We deliver this Tio de Nadal in Barcelona.
(Tradition of children at Christmas in Catalonia)
Beginning with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8), one gives the tió a little bit to "eat" every night and usually covers him with a little blanket so that he will not be cold at night. Delivered in Barcelone.
The Tió de Nadal also known simply as Tió ("trunk" or "log", a big piece of cut wood) or Tronca and popularly called Caga tió ("shitting log"), is a character in Catalan mythology relating to a Christmas tradition widespread in Catalonia.
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Complement your flowers and plants with chocolates! It's the best way to make a sweet gift. Delivery to Barcelona. Spain.
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